Institutional and Economic Instruments for Sustainable Water Management in the Meditteranean Region
Institutional and Economic Instruments for Sustainable Water Management in the Meditteranean Region
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4th Step: Identification of alternatives (May to June 2007)

Following from the definition of objectives, the 4th step involves a preliminary identification of alternatives of institutional and economic nature that could address the problem at hand. The identified instruments should address all three functional levels: constitutional, organizational and operational. The aim of this step is not to perform a complete analysis of alternatives, but to provide a concrete basis for the Stakeholder Workshops.

The discussion on the overall problem analysis and potential alternatives will be realized through the stakeholder workshops of WP 5, which will set the stage for an informed and constructive debate.
The actual objectives to be achieved through the workshops are the following:
  • Presentation of the project, its aims and purpose to the wide audience of local stakeholders,
  • Elaboration on the key problems, as identified in the previous stages,
  • Discussion on alternatives, according to the best practice examples reviewed in WP 2,
  • Formalisation of stakeholder commitment through the signature of a protocol of cooperation and establishment of the Local Stakeholder Fora in each region.
  • Completion of questionnaires, focusing on the assessment of the constitutional, organisational and operational functions of the governance structures, and their influence on the selected water management problem.

6th Step: Formulation of proposals (July to December 2007)

Alternatives identified and discussed in Step 5 will be formulated into proposals. Proposals are regarded as a more detailed plan for the implementation of alternatives, and could include:
  • Different specification levels of the same alternative. For example, if one alternative is “Water Pricing”, proposals can be different levels of price increase, or different cost allocation mechanisms.
  • Combinations of alternatives.

7th Step: Evaluation of proposals (January to April 2008)

A first evaluation of proposals will be made at the local level, on the basis of discussions held between each Regional Partner and the local stakeholders. The aim of this process is to discuss the implications for affected groups, assess the feasibility of proposals and identify potential barriers towards implementation.

8th Step: Reformulation of proposals (May to June 2008)

On the basis of the first evaluation, proposals will be reformulated by the Regional Partner, taking into account all issues raised by stakeholders.

9th Step: Re-evaluation of proposals (June-July 2008)

The 9th step will be implemented in the Stakeholder Assembly Workshop, which will be organised in Tunisia, at the end of the second year of the project (June or July 2008). The workshop will be attended by stakeholders from all the countries, and proposals will be presented and evaluated, potentially through Multi-Criteria Assessment, on the basis of predifined criteria.

 Related Project WPs

WP 2: Exchange and dissemination of best available practices for institutional and economic instruments in constructively engaged IWRM

WP 5: Stakeholder workshops and web forum

WP 6: Typology Development

WP 7: Analysis of economic and institutional instruments with emphasis on effectiveness and equity

WP 8: Stakeholder Assembly Workshop and Web Forum on institutional and economic instruments