Institutional and Economic Instruments for Sustainable Water Management in the Meditteranean Region
Institutional and Economic Instruments for Sustainable Water Management in the Meditteranean Region
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INECO is based on the strong engagement of actors, stakeholders and the general public in the:
  • Identification and analysis of current water management issues and the formulation of objectives to be achieved, and
  • Evaluation of alternative institutional and economic options, which could contribute in the solution of the identified issues.
To achieve the engagement and constant involvement of stakeholders in Project Activities, INECO will establish within each region the following stakeholder bodies (see also Figure 1):  
  • A permanent-membership body, the Local Stakeholder Forum - LSF, composed of priority stakeholders, such as policy and decision makers (e.g. representatives of ministries, water service providers), and representatives of end-users (e.g. consumers’ associations, farmers’ associations, other civil movement players). Each LSF (established within each region) will be coordinated by the INECO regional partner and its members will be bound to the project through a protocol of cooperation
  • A non-permanent-membership body, the Local Public Stakeholder Forum - LPSF, composed of public members, who are interested in project methodology and results.

Figure 1: Stakeholder and public bodies in INECO