Institutional and Economic Instruments for Sustainable Water Management in the Meditteranean Region
Institutional and Economic Instruments for Sustainable Water Management in the Meditteranean Region
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This page contains presentations and material from the Kick-Off Meeting of the project. Material is organised in two categories:


Description Size Author 
Expectations towards INECO 868 KB Dr. C. Nauen
Introducing INECO - Vision and Objectives 435 KB Prof. D. Assimacopoulos  
Introduction to GEWAMED 289 KB Dr. J.A. Sagardoy
The INECO project activities 265 KB Prof. D. Assimacopoulos
WP 2.1 - Review of the WFD harmonization procedures 61 KB Prof. A. Massarutto
WP 2.2 - Review of approaches used in the developed world 35 KB Dr. J.M. Berland
WP 3 - Identification of responsible WM authorities, institutional structures, legislation 450 KB Prof. D. Assimacopoulos
WP 4 - Adaptation of indicators for institutional assessment 144 KB Ms. E. Manoli

Description Size Author 
The case of Cyprus 936 KB Dr. Y. Glekas
The case of Morocco 893 KB Dr. A. Affia
The case of Syria 224 KB Mr. M. Haddad
The case of Tunisia 101 KB Mr. H. Ghannouchi          

 Other relevant pages
Kick-Off Meeting Description
Kick-Off Meeting Photo Gallery
Project Events