Institutional and Economic Instruments for Sustainable Water Management in the Meditteranean Region
Institutional and Economic Instruments for Sustainable Water Management in the Meditteranean Region
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Project Objectives
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Project Publications
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Links & Water-Related News
Links to EU-funded projects
AquaStress IP: Mitigation of Water Stress through new Approaches to Integrating Management, Technical, Economic and Institutional Instruments
ASEMWATERNET: Multi-stakeholder Platform for ASEM S&T cooperation on sustainable water use
ELMAA: Integrated water management of Mediterranean phosphate mining and local agricultural systems
EPIC FORCE: Evidence-based Policy for Integrated Control of Forested River Catchments in Extreme Rainfall and Snowmelt
Jayhun: Interstate Water Resource Risk Management: Towards A Sustainable Future for the Aral Basin
LOGOWATER: Local Governments & Integrated Water Resources Management
MEDITATE: Mediterranean Development of Innovative Technologies for Integrated Water Management
MELIA: Mediterranean Dialogue on Integrated Water Management
NEWATER: New approaches to adaptive water management under uncertainty
Nostrum-DSS: Network on gOvernance, Science and Technology for sustainable water ResoUrce management in the Mediterranean. The role of Dss tools
SWITCH IP: Sustainable water management improves tomorrow's cities' health
The ARID Cluster
WASAMED: Thematic Network on WAter SAving in MEDiterranean agriculture
WaterStrategyMan: Developing Strategies for Regulating and Managing Water Resources and Demand in Water Deficient Regions
Links to Organisations, Associations and Agencies
EU Water Initiative
European Environmental Agency
European Union of National Associations of Water Suppliers and Wastewater Services (EUREAU)
GWP Toolbox on Integrated Water Resource Management
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Plan Bleu
UNESCO Water Portal
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
World Bank
World Health Organization (WHO)