Institutional and Economic Instruments for Sustainable Water Management in the Meditteranean Region
Institutional and Economic Instruments for Sustainable Water Management in the Meditteranean Region
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Stakeholder Assembly Workshop and Web Forum on institutional and economic instruments



The objectives of the work package are to:

  • Present the results from the analysis of cost recovery mechanisms
  • Evaluate the social aspect of the cost recovery principle, including gender
  • Discuss transparency mechanisms regarding cost allocation and estimation
  • Initiate a participatory process for the exchange of views on the already analysed arrangements and proposed economic instruments

Methodology - Work Description

The outcomes of the analyses of WP7 will be presented to the relevant stakeholders and water management authorities. The primary goal of the workshop will be to initiate a transparent procedure with respect to cost estimation and allocation procedures between the various water uses and users. For this purpose, the entire range of policy makers, regulators, water management authorities, system operators, project developers and final consumers will be involved with the objective to provide their insight in cost allocation mechanisms and their societal implications. At the same time, and in order to ensure maximum possible participation and outreach, a web forum on institutional and economic instruments will be launched.

Information provided by the participants and the results obtained through the analysis of WP7 will be integrated during the next phases of the project in the determination of alternative institutional and economic instruments for meeting economic efficiency targets without compromising social and environmental sustainability targets. Such considerations will be incorporated during the next phase of the Coordination Action, where all collected information, experience and previous research will be integrated for developing guidelines for the application of institutional and economic instruments for promoting IWRM goals. 


 WP Deliverable
Workshop Proceedings (July 2008, Available for download)

 Expected results

The involvement of all relevant stakeholders in the decision-making procedure.

The establishment of a real participatory process for transparent application of economic instruments.