Institutional and Economic Instruments for Sustainable Water Management in the Meditteranean Region
Institutional and Economic Instruments for Sustainable Water Management in the Meditteranean Region
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Towards the development of a framework of adaptable guidelines

The third year of INECO will focus on the development of a framework of adaptable guidelines for the application of institutional and economic instruments in the Mediterranean basin (WP 9). This framework will be integrated in a web toolbox (WP 10), whereas project outcomes will be further disseminated in the Cyprus Conference, foreseen in WP 11.

The guideline framework will address the cross-regional integration of the Regional Activities undertaken within the project, focusing on their outcomes concerning:

  • Regional experiences with regard to focal water management problems, their effects and past responses aimed at addressing causes and/or mitigating effects and impacts.
  • Local Stakeholder perceptions on alternative institutional and/or economic instruments which could address the aforementioned problems.

Cross-regional integration will be framed by the typology developed in WP 6, and promoted through the:

  • Integration of regional information in the Web Toolbox
  • Development of inter-regional fora to support the exchange of view on Web Toolbox contents. 

 Related Project WPs

WP 6: Typology Development

WP 9: Formulation of a framework of adaptable guidelines for institutional and economic instruments

WP 10: Web Toolbox for guideline dissemination

WP 11: Organization of a Conference for presenting guidelines and toolbox