Institutional and Economic Instruments for Sustainable Water Management in the Meditteranean Region
Institutional and Economic Instruments for Sustainable Water Management in the Meditteranean Region
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Deliverable 1: The WFD Implementation in arid and semi-arid countries: Institutional and Economic Issues

Authors: A. Massarutto and V. Paccagnan, Istituto di Economia e Politica dell'Energia e dell'Ambiente, Universita Commerciale Luigi Bocconi

The deliverable summarizes the work undertaken in Task 1 of Work Package 2 of INECO which dealt with institutional and economic issues relevant to the implementation of the Water Framework Directive in arid and semi-arid EC Member States. The deliverable addresses the following topics:

  • Patterns of the WFD implementation in Mediterranean EU Member States (Spain, Italy, Greece, Portugal) characterized by quantitative water stress (arid and semi-arid countries), and

  • Critical issues that characterize water management in these countries and development of a set of case studies aimed at enlightening more and less successful practice examples.

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Deliverable 2: Synthesis report on the application of institutional and economic instruments in the water sector - Arid and Semi-arid regions

Authors: J.M. Berland and N. Amorsi, International Office for Water

The deliverable summarizes the work undertaken in Task 2 of Work Package 2 of INECO, which aimed at reviewing the problems and experiences associated with institutional and economic interventions in the water sector in non EU world countries, focusing particularly in arid and semi-arid regions. The review aimed at highlighting drawbacks, accomplishments, advantages and disadvantages of institutional and economic reforms in the water sector, through the review of practices and structures adopted in several non-EU countries: Argentina, Australia, California, Canada, Chile, Israel and Japan, as well as the context (cultural and political) in which water policy is pursued and implemented. The objective is to provide examples of strategic approaches towards Integrated Water Resource Management, in order to initiate a discussion on alternative options that could be implemented in Southern Mediterranean countries.

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Deliverable 3: Governance and water management structures in the Mediterranean Basin

Authors and contributors: Ms. Eleni Manoli (NTUA), Mr. Thanos Aggelis-Dimakis (NTUA), Prof. Dionysis Assimacopoulos (NTUA), Dr. Ioannis Glekas (Aeoliki Ltd, Cyprus), Mr. Charis Omorphos (WDD, Cyprus), Mr. Ahmed Bouzid (CITET, Tunisia), Mr. Belgacem Hanchi (CITET, Tunisia), Dr. Fathy El Gamal (WMRI, Egypt), Prof. Samy El-Fellaly (MALR, Egypt), Prof. Magdy Abou Rayan (IC, Egypt), Mr. Claude Tabbal (C&D, Lebanon), Ms. Roula Sleiman (C&D, Lebanon), Mr. Malek Haddad (SIC, Syrian Arab Republic), Mr. Khatim Kherraz (ABHCSM, Algeria), Dr. Abderrahmane Affia (ISKANE, Morocco)

The Deliverable summarizes the work undertaken within the framework of Work Package 3 of the INECO project, on the “Identification of responsible WM authorities, institutional structures, policies and water allocation mechanisms”. The Deliverable is structured in two parts:

  • Part I is divided in two sections: Section 1 provides an overview of the INECO framework, approach and phases, and elaborates on the institutional analysis and the identification of focal water management problems outlined in Part II of the report. Section 2 performs a brief overview of the current water governance challenges faced in the MENA region, and outlines commonalities and gaps among the focal water management problems analysed within the framework of the project.
  • Part II contains the reports, elaborated by the Regional Partners of the project. Contributions contain information on (a) the current situation regarding water exploitation and use in the corresponding countries, (b) an analysis of the institutional framework governing the water sector, (c) a description of constraints and focal water management problems experienced at the national and/or regional levels, and (d) the outcomes of Stakeholder Analysis performed within the framework of the Project.

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Deliverable 4: Adapted indicators for institutional assessment in an IWRM context

Authors and contributors: Ms. G.Z. Chalvatzi (NTUA), Mr. Aggelos Panagiotakis (NTUA), Prof. Dionysis Assimacopoulos (NTUA), Dr. Ioannis Glekas (Aeoliki Ltd, Cyprus), Mr. Charis Omorphos (WDD, Cyprus), Mr. Ahmed Bouzid (CITET, Tunisia), Mr. Belgacem Hanchi (CITET, Tunisia), Dr. Fathy El Gamal (WMRI, Egypt), Prof. Samy El-Fellaly (MALR, Egypt), Prof. Magdy Abou Rayan (IC, Egypt), Mr. Claude Tabbal (C&D, Lebanon), Ms. Roula Sleiman (C&D, Lebanon), Mr. Malek Haddad (SIC, Syrian Arab Republic), Mr. Khatim Kherraz (ABHCSM, Algeria), Dr. Abderrahmane Affia (ISKANE, Morocco)

Deliverable 4 presents the work undertaken in WP 4 of the project for the adaptation of indicators for institutional assessment. The overall aims of the work package were to:

  • Review existing indicator frameworks for assessing the effectiveness of institutional frameworks according to the principles of Integrated Water Resources Management.
  • Adapt those indicator frameworks to the specific physical, socio-economic and institutional characteristics of the regions analysed within the project.

The deliverable is structured in three chapters:

  • Chapter 1, Introduction, provides an overview of the role for assessment indicators within the project, emphasizing upon the context of their adaptation to the specific regional case study contexts;
  • Chapter 2 provides a review of existing indicator frameworks, based on literature information on:
    • Definition, purpose and use of indicators;
    • Most popular indicator development models, namely the bottom-up, the top-down, the system, and the cause-effect approaches;
    • Current indicator development efforts including efforts from international organisations to specify, select, and categorise indicators so as to enable their use in water related projects.
  • Chapter 3 focuses on the adaptation of IWRM indicators to the regional context within INECO project. Each section of the chapter provides an overview of the focal problem in each region followed by a set of indicators, selected to describe the problem causes and effects.

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