Institutional and Economic Instruments for Sustainable Water Management in the Meditteranean Region
Institutional and Economic Instruments for Sustainable Water Management in the Meditteranean Region
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Exchange and dissemination of best available practices for institutional and economic instruments in constructively engaged IWRM



The objectives of WP 2 are to:

  • Exchange information and disseminate previous research efforts of the consortium regarding the application of institutional and economic instruments for meeting the goals of Integrated Water Resources Management.
  • Disseminate the review of experiences gathered from the harmonisation procedures adopted in the European Mediterranean Countries for the adaptation of institutional frameworks to the WFD requirements.
  • Present institutional and economic instruments adopted in arid and semi-arid developed countries.

Methodology-Work Description

The workpackage aims to provide the necessary background information regarding the application of institutional and economic instruments for meeting the sustainability goals of Integrated Water Resources Management. The output of the WP will feed into and support the work carried out in the next workpackages of the project. Activities undertaken will particularly focus in the review and dissemination of previous research efforts of the consortium and other institutes regarding the application of institutional and economic instruments, concentrating particularly in experiences and problems encountered. The WP will incorporate two tasks:
  • Task 2.1 - “Review of the WFD harmonisation procedures” which will provide a critical assessment of the institutional and economic framework requirements of the Water Framework Directive. Previous research and current practices and experiences will be integrated in a publishable report which will be distributed during the Stakeholder Workshops of WP 5.
  • Task 2.2 - “Review of approaches used in the developed world”, will review the problems and experiences associated with institutional and economic interventions in the water sector in other developed world countries, focusing particularly in arid and semi-arid regions with characteristics similar to those of the Mediterranean participating countries. Where possible, other research institutes, water competent authorities and stakeholders will be contacted and asked to participate in the public activities of the Coordination Action.

 WP Deliverables

WFD harmonisation procedures review (January 2007 - Available for download)

Synthesis report on the application of institutional and economic instruments in the water sector for arid and semi-arid regions (January 2007 - Available for download)


 Expected result
Dissemination of research activities regarding the application of institutional and economic instruments for water management in the Mediterranean region