The EcoWater Case Studies will employ the analytical framework, the selected indicators and tools to assess the overall eco-efficiency of water use across different economic sectors. The Case Study development process will provide feedback on the applicability of the selected indicators, methods and tools, allowing for their refinement of the corresponding framework and tools. The Case Study results will be integrated to provide a coherent assessment of policy instruments that could foster technology uptake in the relevant sectors, expanding beyond the common command-and-control regulatory approach.
As presented in the overall EcoWater Approach, the Case Study development process will evolve in 3 (three) distinct Phases.
Phase 1, “Mapping and identification”, will include the comprehensive description of all the stages of the value chain. Furthermore, the analysis will also account for the different actors that intervene across the chain.
Phase 2, “Baseline eco-efficiency assessment”, will provide the basis against which innovative practices and technologies will be compared in terms of their contribution in enhancing the overall eco-efficiency of the service systems.
Phase 3, "Technology assessment", will target the holistic assessment of potential eco-efficiency improvements that would result from the implementation of innovative technologies and practices at different stages of the service system.