Institutional and Economic Instruments for Sustainable Water Management in the Meditteranean Region
Institutional and Economic Instruments for Sustainable Water Management in the Meditteranean Region
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Setup of common information systems



WP 1 is a horizontal activity within the project, aiming to:

  • Developing external communication fora and channels.
  • Developing and maintaining a Web Site for the dissemination of project activities and results and the communication of the partners of the consortium.
  • Providing technical support for the implementation of Web Fora throughout the duration of the project.

Methodology - Work Description

The aim of WP 1 is to ensure maximum outreach and impact with respect to the activities and the results of the Coordination Action. Work undertaken will involve the following:
  • The establishment and maintenance of the project web site, which will allow for the dissemination of information and the critical discussion of the results of the Coordination Action.
  • The editing and issuing of a 6-month electronic newsletter, starting from the 6th month of the project. The newsletter (available in English, French and Arabic) will include:
    • Key project activities, outputs and progress of the previous period;
    • Planned activities for the next period;
    • Other relevant information and organised events by the partners of the consortium.
  • The establishment and support of web discussion fora for critical aspects of INECO results and activities. All consortium partners and other identified stakeholders will participate in order to ensure the maximum possible integration of information. The web fora, in addition to structured conversations (i.e. targeted questions), will also include the possibility for participants to upload narratives and personal experiences relative to the web forum theme.
For supporting all the above the INECO Web Site will operate on three levels:
  • A public level, where all information (deliverables, newsletters, announcements, web toolbox etc) will be available;
  • A partially restricted level for web forum participation, available to stakeholders outside the Consortium. Web fora will be visible to the general public, however active participation will be granted upon authorisation request, in order to ensure a minimum control of input information.
  • A restricted level, available only to the partners of the Consortium, which will aim to facilitate the exchange of information (e.g. draft deliverables, useful documents etc), assisting in the coordination of the project activities.

 WP Deliverables

Electronic Newsletters

Project web site


 Expected results

Maximum possible outreach of the project activities and results.

Exchange of opinions, views and information between the partners of the consortium and other institutes, stakeholders and end users.