The aim Work Package 1 is to develop an analytical framework for assessing meso-level eco-efficiency improvements from technology uptake in diverse systems. The framework will include:
Eco-efficiency indicators, applicable to a wide range of water systems and sectors of water use
Methods and tools through which these can be assessed
Characteristics of technologies to be evaluated
Conceptualization of scenarios for technology implementation and uptake
The Work Package objectives are to:
Select, from the wide range of available eco-efficiency indicators, those that can best describe the specificities and sectoral/systems’ focus of the Project’s Case Studies, taking into account the need for cross-comparison and comparability
Develop and maintain an inventory of innovations and technologies to be assessed in the EcoWater Case Studies, including parameters related to their footprints (water, energy, materials used), effectiveness (reduction of environmental impacts) and costs
Select, customize and integrate existing models and tools to meet the requirements of meso-scale eco-efficiency assessments and economic analysis of value chains
Develop a conceptual framework for technology scenarios, incorporating the different parameters and factors that could affect technology and innovation uptake
Key methodological aspects of the above, particularly with regard to data requirements, assessment methods and model applications, will be integrated into a Roadmap Guidance Document, to improve procedures in the Case Studies of Work Packages 2, 3 and 4.