Latest EcoWater News

EcoWater Details

A Collaborative Research Project of the 7th Framework Programme

Theme: ENV.2011.3.1.9-2
Development of eco-efficiency meso-level indicators for technology assessment

Project Duration:
01/11/2011 - 31/10/2014

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under Grant Agreement No. 282882


Who we are...

EcoWater is a Research Project supported through the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission.

It aims at the development of meso-level eco-efficiency indicators for technology assessment, through a systems' approach, and is implemented by a Consortium of 10 Institutes and Universities across Europe. 

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"Resource efficiency, it's using our scarce resources in a more smart and more responsible way. It’s doing more with less. It’s not only about energy which we talk a lot, but also about biodiversity, eco-systems, water.”

Janez Potočnik, European Commissioner for Environment

"Eco-efficiency is the concept that allows us to create the type of information that governments need to help integrate environmental objectives into economic policies in order to achieve de-coupling of the use of nature from economic growth, thereby contributing to more sustainable development."

Domingo Jiménez-Beltrán, Former Executive Director, European Environment Agengy (EEA)



EcoWater Toolbox

The EcoWater Toolbox, that has been developed during the EcoWater Project, is an integrated suite of on-line resources and tools for assessing the system-wide eco-efficiency improvements from innovative technologies, applicable to different water systems and sectors of water use.

It integrates a technology inventory with detailed information on possible technologies for the eco-efficiency improvement of a water system, and database with several indicators for the assessment of the environmental performance of a water use system.

Visit online EcoWater Toolbox here...

SEAT is the core model building tool of the EcoWater project and supports the assessment of the environmental impacts of alternative technological configurations of a meso-level water use system.

EVAT is the tool that extends the information included in a SEAT model incorporating economic data. It supports the assessment of the economic performance of alternative technological configurations of a meso-level water use system and provides the monetary flows that can be used for estimating the economic performance of the system.

The finalized versions of the tools have been released on January 2014.

Download EcoWater Tools from here...

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