Μαρία Μανδαράκα

Βιβλία και Εκπαιδευτικό Υλικό
  • Koumoutsos N., Lipovatz- Kremezi D., Mandaraka M., :"Economics of Chemical Processes", NTUA Editions, 1979
  • Mandaraka M., "Greek Chemical Industry: an Economic Presentation", NTUA Editions, 1982.
  • Mandaraka M., Lipovatz-Kremezi D.: "Measurement and Analysis of Industrial Productivity", SYMMETRIA Editions, 1995.

Προπτυχιακό Επίπεδο

  • Lipovatz-Kremezi D., Mandaraka M.: "Industrial Investment Cost Estimation and Investments Assessment", NTUA Editions, 1985 and 1989.
  • Lipovatz-Kremezi D., Mandaraka M.: "Economic Analysis of Industrial Systems", NTUA Editions, 1989.
  • Mandaraka M.: "Principles of Enterprises' Organization and Management", NTUA Editions, 1991 and 1993.
  • Mandaraka M., “Investment Cost Estimation” (Chapter 7) and “Production cost Estimation” (Chapter 8) for the Under Graduate course: “Economic Analysis of Industrial Decisions” (with L. Papayannakis), NTUA editions, 2007.

Μεταπτυχιακό Επίπεδο

  • M. Mandaraka: “Environmental Management Systems and Tools”, teaching material uploaded to the post graduate relevant course site: environ.chemeng.ntua,gr/mscsupport/
  • M. Mandaraka: “Environmental Management Tools”, teaching material (in English) for the relevant courses of the MSc Programme in Environmental Management, Engineering and Technology, Mansoura University – Egypt, 2006. (the material is uploaded to the Site of the MSc Programme).