Nostrum-Dss is a Coordination Action project, financed by the European Commission under the Sixth Framework Program, and specifically contributing to the implementation of Specific Measures in support of International Cooperation - Mediterranean Partner Countries (Contract No: INCO-CT-2004-509158). The project spans a duration of 3 years (2004-2007).
The project aims to contribute to the achievement of improved governance and planning in the field of sustainable water management, by:
Establishing a network between the science, policy, and civil society spheres,
Fostering active involvement of the relevant stakeholders, and
Developing and disseminating Best Practices Guidelines for the design and implementation of Dss tools for IWRM in the Mediterranean Area.
Project Participants
FEEM: Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei. ITALY (Project Coordinator)
ARCE: Association pour la Recherche sur le Climate et l'Environment. Université d'Oran-Sénia, Faculté des Sciences. ALGERIE
PAP/RAC: Priority Actions Programme/Regional Activity Centre. CROATIA
CYPRUS ARI: Agricultural Research Institute. CYPRUS
CEDARE: Centre for Environment & Development for the Arab Region & Europe.
EGYPT CNRS: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. FRANCE
ITI/CERTH: Centre for Research and Technology. GREECE
NTUA: National Technical University of Athens. GREECE
CIHEAM-IAMB: Centre International de Hautes Etudes Agronomiques Mediterraneennes, Istituto Agronomico Mediterraneo of Bari. ITALY
ICS-UNIDO: International Centre for Science and High Technology. ITALY
IDEAS/CESD: Centro Interdipartimentale IDEAS/CESD University of Venice. ITALY
NCSR: National Council for Scientific Research. LEBANON
EIA/UATLA: Ensino, Investigação e Administração S.A. / Universidade Atlântica. PORTUGAL
TIAMASG: Fundatia pentru Tehnologia Informatiei Aplicata in Mediu Agricultura si Schimbari Globale. ROMANIA
UPM: Universidad Politecnica de Madrid. SPAIN
LRAE: Laboratory of Radio-Analysis and Environment of National Engineer School of Sfax. TUNISIA
SUMER: Dokuz Eylul University, Water Resources Management Research and Application Center. TURKEY