XEROCHORE is a Support Action aimed at assisting in the development of a European Drought Policy in accordance with the EU-Water Framework Directive (EU-WFD). The Support Action is financed by the 7th Framework Programme (Grant Agreement Number: 211837) and spans a duration of 18 months (May 2008 - November 2009).
The specific objectives of XEROCHORE are to:
Synthesize knowledge on past, current and future drought events;
Provide information on possible impacts of droughts, as well as guidance for stakeholders in the area of planning, implementation and scenarios;
Further extend and develop the drought network that was established as part of the European Drought Centre (EDC) to assess the international state of the art in research related to droughts (addressing the natural system, economic, social and environmental aspects, and policy development);
Initiate a long lasting platform through the network that communicates drought related research and policy making within the research community and the wider public, leading to an intensive communication between the different scientific drought communities, disciplines, stakeholder representatives, planners, policy-analysts and decision-makers.
XEROCHORE brings together a large group of experts, with diverse background (e.g. scientists, water resources engineers, stakeholders, planners, policy analysts, decision makers) related to the development of a EU drought policy, in order to establish a well defined network that will reach the wider scientific community and provide research and policy support to the European Commission beyond the lifetime of the project.
Project Participants
FEEM - Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei, Italy (Project Coordinator)
WU - Wageningen Universiteit, The Netherlands
WMC - Water Management Center GbR, Germany
UiO - Universitetet i Oslo, Norway
MATTM - Ministero dell'Ambiente, della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare, Italy
MMA - Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, Spain
NERC - Natural Environment Research Council, United Kingdom
NTUA - National Technical University of Athens, Greece
JRC - DG Joint Research Centre, European Commission
CEMAGREF - Centre National du Machinisme Agricole, du Genie Rural, des eaux et des Forets, France
IUCN - The International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, Non-Governmental Organization