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Synthesis and Dissemination Phase

The main objective of Phase 4 (Synthesis of results and Dissemination activities) is the synthesis of the results from the previous project stages in order to develop and formulate, on the basis of the lessons learned from the six paradigms, widely applicable guidelines and protocols for the efficient and timely implementation of the Water Framework Directive.


Synthesis of Results

The final stage of the project will be the development of Guidelines and Protocols of Implementation for Integrated Water Resources Management Strategies. The Strategy formulation results will be elaborated into two sets of "instructions" to be disseminated to water sector stakeholders and decision makers.

  • The Guidelines will provide a step-by-step analysis of the specific tasks to be undertaken within the framework of a strategy and their specifications (relative costs, duration, and project lifetime). They will analyze the specific strategy into actions required within the selected water management options, set within a suitable but flexible time framework. They will provide the results of the strategy evaluation as well as the constraints and risks involved in each identified Paradigm:

    • The evaluation of the lessons learned by the analysis,
    • The selection of appropriate scenarios for water resources management,
    • The identification of common characteristics and patterns in the alternative strategies, and
    • The synthesis of the identified strategies and development of general guidelines applicable to water deficient regions.

  • The Protocol of Implementation for a Strategy will provide the set of accompanying measures required to create the Enabling Environment for its implementation. They will encompass the sets of prerequisite measures that are required for the implementation of each strategy, as those are elaborated by the Stakeholders, and step-by-step instructions for their execution. The protocols will incorporate the guidelines and the identified ranges of existing circumstances and will provide codes for accepted as appropriate and correct policies of integrated water planning following the: 

    • Evaluation of water management inefficiencies identified by the analysis, and
    • Evaluation of the water management institutional structures and their inadequacies.




In recognition of the significant potential to exploit the project results, and the importance of maximising the dissemination of information concerning the project outcomes (particularly during its execution) on the widest possible European level, specific work packages are devoted for the definition, execution, monitoring and administration of the proposed Exploitation and Dissemination activities. These are the following:

  1. WP 2: Workshop on the Range of Existing Circumstances
  2. WP 7: Workshop for Presenting Findings and Training on DSS
  3. WP 12: Elaboration of project results into publishable form
  4. WP 13: Seminar
  5. WP 14: Information campaign, Training and Exploitation Plan, with specific Tasks:
    • Task 14.1: Identification of and formulation of collaboration with other relevant projects
    • Task 14.2: Identification of and information exchange with end users, including water resources management managers
    • Task 14.3: Information exchange with legislative authorities and regulatory bodies
    • Task 14.4: Development of Training material
    • Task 14.5: Development of a Training Multimedia package
    • Task 14.6: Training of decision-makers
    • Task 14.7: Revision of the exploitation plan

To ensure the most successful exploitation of the project results, the widest spread of information will be searched for. To that respect the benefits derived from the consortium’s complementarity will be utilised to the full. In particular, the participation in the consortium of partners from six (6) different European countries, one accession country (Cyprus), and one Middle East country (Israel) located at semi-arid and arid regions with exceptional characteristics (related to water management practices) will provide a sound basis for the comprehensive exploitation of the project’s results and ensure their widest possible applicability. The general framework of the partner’s contribution in the project exploitation involves the utilisation of their networks and contacts in their respective countries/regions, in order to promote the project results through developing Integrated Water Management initiatives in their countries, extending their effectiveness by assisting other countries in their regions to implement Integrated Water Management practices and take onboard the obtained results/recommendations.



WSM - Developing Strategies for Regulating and Managing Water Resources and Demand in Water Deficient Regions