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The WaterStrategyMan Project
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The Objectives of the WSM Project

The goal of the project is the study of the differences between quantity and quality dimensions in water management and the development of alternative options and long-term scenarios, through the establishment of a broad framework on the existing knowledge on IWRM practices, while highlighting of the importance of regionalization and the relevant cultural context.

As a result, the following objectives have been set:

  1. The definition of a typology of water deficient arid and semi-arid regions.
  2. The elaboration of the typology into conceptual paradigms.
  3. The selection of a set of representative regions, according to the paradigm typology.
  4. The development of a methodology, which will be able to outline, analyse and evaluate alternative supply/demand scenarios using a multi-criteria approach.
  5. The adaptation of tools into an integrated and interactive environment of data, algorithms and decision supporting procedures and the development of a Decision Support System (DSS) to analyse quantitative and qualitative impacts, describe the entire gamut of potential responses, and suggest appropriate solutions.
  6. The analysis of the identified paradigms through the development and assessment of alternative scenarios on current and future water resources allocation.
  7. Intersectoral competitive water uses will be addressed,
  8. The development of alternative integrated water resources management options, for each paradigm, taking into account the full economic and environmental costs.
  9. Institutional interventions will be contrasted to structural vs. non-structural solutions.
  10. The development of alternative integrated water resources management options, for each paradigm, which will take into account the full economic and environmental costs.
  11. The development of improved resource and demand management strategies on the basis of the lessons learned from the paradigms.
  12. The formulation of widely applicable guidelines and protocols for the efficient implementation of the Water Framework Directive under different socioeconomic conditions or assumptions.
  13. The formulation of principles of integrated water resources management frameworks appropriate for arid and semi-arid regions in the context of implementing the Water Framework Directive.
  14. The development of possible synergies among different projects that address comparable issues and questions, and the formation of a Cluster.
  15. The establishment and operation of web sites for the needs of the project and the Cluster.



Research Approach

The adopted research approach is based on the successive generalization resulting from systematic analysis of specific conditions. The analysis alternates between the generalized and the specific element (Figure 1). On the basis of a generalised concept for aridity, the analysis of specific regions tried to provide "lessons" that were used to develop Regional Models, to be further analyzed through the Case Studies.


Figure 1. Project Logic

The Case Studies are expected to yield results that can be used for a broad spectrum of similar regions, in the form of Strategies for Integrated Water Resources Management, Guidelines and Protocols of their Implementation.

The central idea of the project recognises that the existing framework of water management infrastructures, natural environment, water supply (production) and consumption, institutional and socioeconomic conditions is the main factor in determining the appropriate strategies that may direct to improved water resources management. The interactions among the main components of the socioeconomic and environmental systems (Figure 2) determine the decisive issues that the project will analyse.

Figure 2. Water resources management framework

The initial step of the overall project methodology is based on this recognition and focuses on the definition and modelling of a coherent typology of water deficient regions by outlining the basic differences and similarities on key issues related to water resources management. The selection of representative case studies, as specific paradigms, provides the required step for a detailed study of the interrelation of water production and consumption system and the man-made and natural environment and will highlight the specific water problems of arid and semi-arid regions. A multi-criteria methodology for coping with watermanagement decisions will integrate available models and tools into a decision-making approach for selecting appropriate strategies for each paradigm. The synthesis of the results from the paradigms analysis will conclude to general guidelines and protocols for improved water management practices in water deficient regions. The development of water cost recovery strategies for improved resources management should encompass scientific information related to the water system dynamics and stakeholder requirements related to the interactions of economic, social and environmental systems. Such strategies should be based on the detailed evaluation of direct and indirect costs of water use, the estimation of appropriate water prices and the comparison of alternative water management scenarios through an integrated multi-criteria approach.

In this regard, the following premises characterise the Project methodology:

  • Application of holistic policy analysis that enables decision makers to coordinate various governing authorities, delineate and assess a wider range of alternatives, and finally select and implement relevant water pricing plans.

  • Development of a methodology, which based on the above analysis, may make possible the application of an integrated management approach that should primarily focus on the identification of sustainable alternatives for water cost recovery according to anticipatory planning, on providing control and alarm criteria and finally on implementation strategies of significant value for the stakeholders.

  • Usage of the information technology in the form of a decision support tool, as an integral part of the pertinent methodology and through which improvement in decision-making may occur in analysing quantitative and qualitative impacts in describing the entire gamut of potential responses and in suggesting appropriate solutions.



WSM - Developing Strategies for Regulating and Managing Water Resources and Demand in Water Deficient Regions