Welcome to the WaterStrategyMan website

The goal of the WSM project - "Developing Strategies for Regulating and Managing Water Resources and Demand in Water Deficient Regions" is the study of the differences between quantity and quality dimensions in water management and the development of alternative options and long-term scenarios, through the establishment of a broad framework on the existing knowledge on IWRM practices, while highlighting of the importance of regionalization and the relevant cultural context.
Methodology, tools, guidelines and protocols of implementation will be developed that will enable decision makers to select and implement relevant water schemes for full water cost recovery.
The project aims at developing an integrated water resources management that takes into account economic, technical, social, institutional and environmental implications, to meet both directly and indirectly the EU requirements concerning preservation and enhancement of the quality of the environment and the availability of natural resources and sustainable development.
WaterStrategyMan is a project of the Arid Cluster.