The ProMot project is funded by the EU-SAVE Programme (Contract no. 4.1031/2/02-048/2002) and aims at promoting the utilisation of energy efficient electric motor systems. The core of the project will be the EuroDEEM database, developed by the EC, hosted at the Joint Research Center (JRC) web site, continuously updated and distributed freel
Initially the project will improve and expand the database, to cover electric motors, variable speed drives, pumps, chillers and compressed air systems. Significant work will be done to create a decision support tool, based on knowledge developed by various DGTREN funded studies, projects and best practice guides and other databases.
Project outcomes will be customised for each participating country and will be disseminated to end-users, engineers and decision makers on site or under training, by a variety of methods. Those will include web pages, on site presentations, workshops, and participation in major fairs.
The project spans a duration of two years (2004-2006).
Project Participants
CRES, Centre for Renewable Energy Sources (GR) - Project Coordinator
SEMAFOR Semafor Informatic & Energie AG
ADEME, Agence de l'environnement et de la maîtrise de l'energie (FR)
ADENE, Agência para a Energia (PT)
DEA, Danish Energy Agency (DK)
EUROVENT European Committee of AirHandling and Refregerating Equipment Manufacturers/CECOMAF
NTUA, National Technical University of Athens (GR)
E.V.A. Energieverwertungsagentur-the Austrian Energy Agency (AU)
FAST Federazione Delle Associazioni Scientifiche e Techniche (IT)
FhG - ISI Fraunhofer Gesellschaft zur Forderung der Angewandten Forschung e.V. (DE)
IST Instituto Superior Tecnico (PT)