Ms. Ino Katsiardi has been working with the EEMRU since 2001
She is a full time staff member at the NTUA, and is involved in projects related to Water Management in Europe and the Mediterranean. In 1998 she completed her MSc project, on "Pollution Impacts of the development of the Thessaloniki area in the 20th century on Thermaikos Gulf", in collaboration with the National Centre for Marine Research in Greece and graduated with an MSc in Aquatic Resource Management from Kings College London. She holds a BSc in Biology (1997) from the Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine (University of London, UK). Her BSc dissertation subject was "Agriculture and the environment: a comparison between Intensive, Sustainable and Organic Agriculture". In the past she has worked as a Medical Writer and as Marketing and Advertisement Manager for Scientific Publications S.A., and later as a consultant for the Liquid Waste Department of EPEM S.A. Environmental Consultancy.