Workshop survey - Part II
Prioritizing objectives & Exploring alternative options
Please grade the effectiveness of following measures that could promote water saving in crop irrigation, using a scale from 1 (least effective) to 5 (most effective).
A: Technical measures to increase supply (e.g. reservoir construction, water transfers, wastewater reuse etc.) - View histogram
B: Grants and soft loans for the installation of efficient irrigation systems (e.g. drip irrigation) -View histogram
C: Training of farmers on appropriate irrigation practices (e.g. irrigation scheduling) - View histogram
D: Introduction/enforcement of legislation on maximum allowable withdrawals for the irrigation of specific crops - View histogram
E: Introduction of higher abstraction charges for surface and groundwater withdrawal, addressed to both individual farmers and collective systems - View histogram
F: Increase of volumetric rates for irrigation water supply - View histogram
G: Development of demonstration projects on advanced irrigation system - View histogram
H: Change of cropping patterns (shift towards less water intensive crops) - View histogram
I: Wider application of collective irrigation systems - View histogram
It can be claimed that water services cannot respond to the increasing need for new infrastructure, due to financial constraints. How do you think that this issue can be addressed? (more than one answer possible)
Public participation is currently considered the key principle of developing sound and successful water management policies, because it is seen as the only way to ensure that the interests of all users are taken into account. How do you think that public participation can be implemented in your country at the local level? (more than one answer possible)
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