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Water management issues - Causes and Effects

Which do you think is the most significant water-related problem currently faced in the Oum Er Rbia Basin? 


How significant do you think that water stress is in the Oum Er Rbia Hydraulic Basin?


Which, according to your view, is the most important cause of water stress in the Oum Er Rbia Basin? (only one answer possible)


Which, according to your view, is the most important effect of water stress in the region? (only one answer possible)


Has water stress affected your everyday life?


Irrigated agriculture is the largest water consumer in the Oum Er Rbia River Basin. Therefore, it becomes vital to use irrigation water efficiently, although this is not always the case. Do you agree with this last statement?


If yes, which do you think are the most important factors that contribute to inefficient water use in agriculture? (more than one answer possible)



According to your personal view, are there administrative problems or constraints that should be overcome for effective solutions to be implemented?