Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings
G. Arampatzis, E. Kampragou, P. Scaloubakas, and D. Assimacopoulos. Balancing water supply and demand under different demand management options: a water system perspective. Accepted in 36th IAHR World Congress, The Hague, The Netherlands, June-July 2015.
A. Georgopoulou, A. Angelis-Dimakis, G. Arampatzis and D. Assimacopoulos. Assessing and improving the eco-efficiency of a bottling plant using a systemic approach. Accepted in CEMEPE/SECOTOX 2015 Conference, Myconos, Greece, July 2015.
G. Arampatzis, E. Kampragou, N. Perdikeas, P. Scaloubakas, and D. Assimacopoulos. A System-Based Approach for the Assessment of Water Demand Management Instruments. IWA Waterideas 2014 Conference, Bologna, Italy, October 2014.
A. Angelis-Dimakis, G. Arampatzis and D. Assimacopoulos. Systemic eco-efficiency assessment in water use systems. 17th European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production, Portoroz, Slovenia, October 2014.
G. Arampatzis, A. Angelis-Dimakis, M. Blind and D. Assimacopoulos. An online suite of tools to support the systemic eco-efficiency assessment in water use systems. 17th European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production, Portoroz, Slovenia, October 2014.
G. Arampatzis, N. Perdikeas, E. Kampragou, P. Scaloubakas and D. Assimacopoulos. A water demand forecasting methodology for supporting day-to-day management of water distribution systems. Accepted in 12th International Conference "Protection & Restoration of the Environment", Skiathos, Greece, June 2014.

A. Georgopoulou, A. Angelis-Dimakis, G. Arampatzis and D. Assimacopoulos. Eco-efficiency assessment in the agricultural sector: The case of fresh form tomato crop in Phthiotida. Accepted in 12th International Conference "Protection & Restoration of the Environment", Skiathos, Greece, June 2014.

C. Xiouras, A. Angelis-Dimakis, G. Arampatzis and D. Assimacopoulos. Environmental and Energy Assessment of New Vehicle Technologies in the Greater Athens Area. 12th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Rhodes, Greece, September 2011.

A. Kartalidis, M. Georgopoulou, G. Arampatzis and D. Assimacopoulos. Desalination in Greek Island by using RES. 12th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Rhodes, Greece, September 2011.

G. Arampatzis , A. Panagiotakis, E. Kampragou, E. Manoli and D. Assimacopoulos. A GIS-Based Tool for Assessing Climate Change Impacts on Tourism. 12th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Rhodes, Greece, September 2011.

I. Michalopoulos, A. Angelis-Dimakis, G. Arampatzis and D. Assimacopoulos. Evaluation of Energy Saving Measures in the Residential Sector. 8th Hellenic Scientific Conference on Chemical Engineering, Thessaloniki, Greece, May 2011.
(Available in Greek only)
A. Kartalidis, G. Arampatzis and D. Assimacopoulos. A Decision Support System for Design and Assessment of Hybrid Systems for Cogeneration of Electricity and Water. 22nd European Modeling & Simulation Symposium, Fes, Morocco, October 2010.

A. Angelis-Dimakis and G. Arampatzis. Energy Indicators for Sustainable Development. 24th European Conference on Operational Research, Lisbon, Portugal, July 2010 (Book of Abstracts).

A. Angelis-Dimakis, G. Arampatzis and D. Assimacopoulos. Cost-effectiveness analysis for the exploitation of renewable energy sources in isolated systems under uncertainty. 9th National Conference on Soft Energy Sources, Paphos, Cyprus, March 2009.
(Available in Greek only)
A. Kartalidis, G. Arampatzis and D. Assimacopoulos. Rapid Sizing of Renewable Energy Power Components in Hybrid Power Plants for Reverse Osmosis Desalina tion Process. International Congress on Environmental Software and Modeling, Barcelona, Spain, July 2008.

A. Angelis-Dimakis, P. Trogadas, G. Arampatzis and D. Assimacopoulos. Cost Effectiveness Analysis for Renewable Energy Sources Integration in the Island of Lemnos, Greece. International Congress on Environmental Software and Modeling, Barcelona, Spain, July 2008.

I. Sofronis, G. Arampatzis and D. Assimacopoulos. Promot: A Decision Support Tool for the Promotion of Energy Efficient Motor Systems. 4th International Conference on Energy Efficiency in Motor Driven Systems (EEMODS), Heidelberg, Germany. September 2005.

E. Manoli, P. Katsiardi, G. Arampatzis and D. Assimacopoulos. Comprehensive water management scenarios for strategic planning. 9th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Rhodes, Greece. September 2005.

D. Voivontas, E. Manoli, G. Arampatzis and D. Assimacopoulos. Water management in small islands: an optimization model for Paros. HYDROTOP 2003, Marseille, France, October 2003.

D. Voivontas, G. Arampatzis, E. Manoli, C. Karavitis and D. Assimacopoulos. Water supply modeling towards sustainable environmental management in small islands: the case of Paros. European Conference on Desalination and the Environment: Fresh Water for All, Malta, May 2003.

E. Manoli, G. Arampatzis, E. Pissias and D. Assimacopoulos. A Spatial Decision Support System for the Evaluation of Water Demand and Supply Management Schemes. International Forum «Hydrorama 2002», Athens, Greece, March 2002.

G. Goulas, G. Arampatzis, C.T. Kiranoudis, P. Scaloubacas and D. Assimacopoulos. Evaluation of transport policies in Athens. 7th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Syros, September 2001.

J. Michalopoulos, S. Papadokonstantakis, G. Arampatzis and A. Lygeros. Comparison of neural networks and statistical models in the modelling of the fluid catalytic cracking process. 3rd National Confenference of Chemical Engineering, Athens, Greece, June 2001.
(Available in Greek only)
J. Michalopoulos, S. Papadokonstandakis, G. Arampatzis and A. Lygeros. Modelling and Optimisation of an FCC unit using neural networks. 3rd National Conference on Chemical Engineering, Athens, Greece, June 2001.
(Available in Greek only)
G. Arampatzis, C.T. Kiranoudis, P. Scaloubacas and D. Assimacopoulos. A GIS-based decision support system for planning urban transportation policies. 13th National Conference of Hellenic Operational Research Society "Transport & New Technologies", Pireaus, Greece, December 2000.

K. Missirlis, E. Manoli, G. Arampatzis and D. Assimacopoulos. The design of a desalination plant powered by renewable energies. 5th International Water Technology Conference, Alexandria, Egypt, March 2000.

G. Arampatzis and D. Assimacopoulos. Numerical modelling of convection-diffusion phase change problems. 2nd National Congress of Computational Mechanics, Chania, Greece, June 1996.

D. Papadopoulos, G. Arampatzis and D. Assimacopoulos. Air quality predictions under conditions of variable wind and diffusivity profiles. 4th Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Mitilini, Greece, September 1995.
(Available in Greek only)
G. Arampatzis, P. Dimitriou and D. Assimacopoulos. Treatment of numerical diffusion in atmospheric diffusion problems. 2nd Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Mitilini, Greece, September 1991.
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