In this issue:

The Cyprus INECO and Nostrum-DSS Joint Event: IWRM through coordination, dissemination and exploitation of research outcomes

Egypt: Meeting local residents in Basandeila

Syria: Discussing with authorities on the pollution of the Barada River

Lebanon: Unveiling conflicts & perceptions on water stress in the Damour River Basin

Cyprus: Citizen proposals for the protection of the Pegeia Aquifer

The 2nd semester Deliverables of INECO

Future project events

The INECO Consortium

The INECO Egypt Stakeholder Workshop
Meeting local residents in Basandeila

The 1st day of the Egypt Stakeholder workshop in Mansoura

The INECO Local Stakeholder Workshop was held on July 21st 2007, at the Conference Hall of the Mansoura Children's’ Hospital of the Mansoura University. It was the fourth in a series of stakeholder events already organized in Egypt, with the aim to:

  • Promote information sharing,
  • Enhance awareness on water resource protection and conservation, and
  • Develop dialogue among all parties on water pollution issues in the Dakahlia Governorate. 

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The workshop focused on water pollution experienced in the Basandeila Nile Branch, and on drinking water quality issues in the Basandeila village and neighbouring agglomerations. The Basandeila area, similarly to the entire Nile water distribution network, faces alarming water quality degradation problems. Waste disposal, heavy use of pesticides, inadequate domestic wastewater treatment, and uncontrolled discharge of industrial effluents have transformed open waterways to repositories and conveyors of liquid waste, and have created major pollution issues. In the region of the Bahr Basandeila Canal, water pollution is mostly due to the discharge of industrial and municipal effluents without prior treatment. The serious contamination of waters that are also used for potable water supply, raises questions on the safety of water produced for drinking purposes, even after it has been treated by the compact unit installed in the area. Furthermore, there are increasing complaints on the quality (taste and odour) of tap water, the condition of the water distribution network and the quality of the water services provided (frequent supply interruptions).

    Event overview

The event was structured in 2 main sessions. Session 1 was dedicated to overview presentations, including:

During the 2nd session, Basandeila village residents presented their views, and queried the representatives of the corresponding authorities on the quality of waters of the Basandeila Nile Branch, the applied water treatment processes, and the quality of the water that actually reaches their homes.

2nd Day: Local Stakeholder Meeting in the Hospital of Basandeila

Following from the 1st day workshop, the INECO team organized an additional stakeholder meeting in the Basandeila Hospital, on Sunday, July 22nd 2007. Approximately 30 people participated in the meeting, including leaders of the National Democratic Party, hospital employees and officials of the Drinking Water Treatment Plant of Basandeila.  The meeting was also attended by Eng. Mohamed Ragab, responsible for Potable Water and Sanitary Drainage in the Dakahlia Governorate and by Prof. Dionysis Assimacopoulos, the INECO Project Coordinator.

During the meeting it became evident that drinking water quality problems exist and can be related to the condition of the water distribution network.

Participants jointly decided that local initiatives are essential for addressing the quality problem, and discussed the following course of action:

  • The Water Utility would check connecting pipes along the distribution network to ensure that there is no leakage or mix of domestic sewage and potable water.
  • Residents and local actors should help in identifying problematic areas and inform the Water Utility on the future needs of the region in potable water, so that the local capacity expansion plan is updated.
  • All local actors should try to enhance awareness among local residents on ways to protect the waters of the canal, and discourage the disposal of domestic waste, sewage and dead livestock bodies in the Basandeila Canal (water intake area).

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