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Prioritizing objectives & exploring alternative options

Which, according to your view, is the primary area where action is needed? (only one answer possible)



It is reported that municipal water services cannot respond to the increasing need for new infrastructure, due to financial constraints. How do you think that this issue can be addressed? (more than one answer possible)


Industries, including small manufactories, are considered primary contributors to water pollution. Please rank the measures below according to the possible impact that they may have, using a scale from 1 (no contribution) to 5 (high contribution).


Pollution from agrochemicals is often attributed to lack of awareness of farmers on how to apply fertilizers and pesticides. Which of the following measures you think would be most likely to have a significant impact on the current agricultural practices? (more than one answer possible)
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Public participation is currently considered the key principle of developing sound and successful water management policies, because it is thought of as the only way to ensure that the interests of all users are taken into account. However, enabling public participation is not easy. What would be your suggestion for enhancing the involvement of stakeholders, users and local residents in the region?

Respondents' Suggestions

1. Establishment of a mailing address for receiving complaints from citizens on water-related issues.
2. Deal with citizen complaints and receive their views through neighborhood consultation programmes.
3. Mutual meetings between beneficiaries and officials in water field through workshops and Non governmental organizations (NGOs).
4. Engaged community participation between all authorities/bodies of the country and the civil society as an accredited actor, with the aim to reflect the opinion of citizens on water-related issues.
5. Increase citizens' awareness on the importance of finding a way to make their views on water-related issues known to officials bodies and reassuring citizens that their points of view will be taken into consideration in decision-making.
6. Increase the awareness of citizens through the media on  the importance of their participation and on providing their views on water quality and pollution issues.
7. Making compulsory questionnaires on water quality and services provided by water utilities in order to collect citizen views on the quality of services provided and map problems faced, so as to find solutions to address them.


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