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Definition of water quality goals to be achieved
In order for the end-users/farmers to accept and implement new BMP, they also have to understand the objectives of the new management practices and share the same problem perception.
Group sessions with pilot group of local farmers.
Data collection/management
End-users can provide accurate and up-to date information on land-use practices.
Group sessions with pilot group of local farmers.
Setup of the SWAT model environmental database
Calibrate / validate the model in a split-in-time or split-in space approach (depending on data availability)
Development and discussion of a “perceptual model” of the catchment’s functions/processes.
Validation of model through end-users.
Group sessions with pilot group of local farmers.
Identification of “hot spots” as sources of pollutants (focus on nutrients and sediment)
Selecting a provisional list of BMP to be tested (simulated) in order to achieve the goals
Discuss viable BMPs with stakeholders in order to select the optimum list to be implemented
Discussion of viable BMPs and scenarios with end-users in order to evaluate the impacts on different users and their management practices. Farmers can voice their concerns, possible implementation problems can be identified as well as education and training needs.
Group sessions with pilot group of local farmers.
Improve the adoption rate of the new BMP.
Training and education activities as identified in the previous step.
Further dissemination activities, like open days and workshops where the pilot group can speak of their experiences.