OCT-DEC 2004


An example application - Paros Island, Greece

Step 1: Scenario Formulation

Step 2: The identification of options

Step 3: Analysis of options


Network Unifications




Groundwater Exploitation


Storage Reservoirs


Reduction of Network Losses




Improvements in Irrigation Methods


Conservation Measures in the Domestic Sector


Domestic Pricing


Irrigation Pricing

Step 4: Overall Evaluation









 Region Overview: The island of Paros

The island of Paros, with an area of 196 km2 is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the Cycladic Complex in Greece, and has a registered permanent population of 12,800 that is increased by as much as 300% during the summer months. Under this context, the goal of the formulation of scenarios and strategies for Paros Island is to reconcile the supply and demand of water, resulting in the coverage of the domestic demand, while at the same time attempting to ensure the sustainability of supply and the achievement of environmental goals for the island, through protection of the vulnerable groundwater resources.

The rapid development of the tourist industry in the last 30 years made the creation of new infrastructure necessary to cover the ever-increasing needs of the visitors and the lodging owners. The little-by-little infrastructure development was done without proper planning and control, leading to the problems that the island is facing today, both economic - offer of accommodation being greater than demand of accommodation - and environmental - great seasonal pressures applied on water resources. At the same time, the agricultural activities that had been abandoned to a large extent were enhanced by the tourist development, and the demand for local traditional products (for example local wines) was boosted, triggering an increase in irrigation demand.

Map 1. Domestic water network in the island of Paros

The water demand growth of the last decades has been addressed mostly with the construction of extensive water drillings, both public and private, to supply the domestic and agricultural sectors. Paros is a typical case where the water shortage occurs on a seasonal basis. Tourism and irrigation demand reach their peak during the same time, in the summer, creating conflicts between uses and problems with water supply adequacy during peak consumption. Paros has the potential to combine multiple activities; both tourism and agriculture can offer a prosperous future for the inhabitants under suitable planning and control. So far however, the existing infrastructure is inadequate for dealing with these issues, and therefore new water management responses are necessary to cover the shortage.


Step 1: Scenario Formulation

Formulation of Demand Scenarios

Permanent and Seasonal Population

Given the growing economic importance of the tertiary sector and especially tourism, the formulation of demand scenarios for Paros was based primarily upon assumptions for permanent and seasonal population growth. For this purpose, a variety of data and estimations have been collected and analysed from associations and the local and governmental authorities, regarding population fluctuations, consumptions, network losses and unaccounted consumptions.

One important conclusion that was drawn from data cross-referencing concerned the real permanent population of the island. The registered population according in the 2001 census was 12,783 inhabitants.

However, during the winter months local authorities estimate that actual (permanent) residents are only 35% of the recorded, being mostly permanent employees and farmers or stockbreeders. The rest are either indigents who live permanently in the mainland and have seasonal occupations in Paros or people with a second (country) residence that visit the island for summer vacations.

Two types of seasonal population have also been distinguished: the low season visitors, mostly families and pensioners who visit Paros during Easter, May and June, and the peak season tourists (from the mainland and abroad) who visit Paros during August and constitute the massive inflow that creates the summer peak of 54,000 visitors.

The uneven spatial distribution of tourist population per municipal department is presented in Figure 1. The municipal departments of Paroikia and Naoussa, with their traditional settlements and developed tourist facilities and accommodation, concentrate the largest part (about 70% of the total). The departments of Marpissa and Agairia, currently under tourism development, come second with 15 and 10% respectively. Kostos and Leykes exhibit very small tourism activity, with their total share not exceeding 5% of the total seasonal population.

Estimation of demand parameters, such as consumption rates and loss coefficients, was performed using data obtained from the Water Utility of Paros. Domestic consumption rates, estimated on the basis of real consumption and excluding losses, were estimated at approximately 130 and 180 l/capita/day for permanent and seasonal population respectively. The relatively low rates (with respect to the international standards of 200 and 350 l/capita/day) are attributed to the rural character of the majority of residential population and the conservation campaigns that have increased the awareness of both inhabitants and tourists on periodical water stress conditions. Unaccounted for water use was estimated as the difference between the metered (charged volumes) and the delivered supply, on the basis of data and estimates provided by the Water Utility. Average network losses account for about 25% of the delivered supply volumes.

Figure 1. Spatial distribution of seasonal population


Demand Projections

The economic development, which began in the 1970’s, resulted in increasing permanent population growth rates (Table 1). For identifying a business as usual scenario, it was assumed that during the period examined (2004 – 2030) the population will continue to increase with a steady yearly rate equal to the average of the previous decades. Seasonal population is assumed to follow a similar trend, as the permanent population increase should be supported by a proportional economic growth, which is nowadays strongly related to tourism development.

Table 1. Growth of registered permanent population (National Statistical Service of Greece)


Registered permanent population

Yearly Growth Rate (%)













Two other scenarios formulated for the period analysed assume that after a point the island has reached its carrying capacity regarding tourism development.

This would be followed by stabilization of population while a more pessimistic scenario assumes a small decrease of tourism that is followed by minor emigration trends towards the mainland.

Under this context, three different potential trends were distinguished, forming the potential scenarios for domestic demand :

  • A scenario where demand increases at a steady rate, equal to that currently observed, and corresponding to a “business as usual” state (BAU),

  • A scenario where demand is stabilised after a point in time, in this case taken to be 15 years after the reference year (Stabilized),

  • A scenario where the demand decreases after a point in time, in this case taken to be 25 years after the reference year (LD).

The three domestic demand scenarios are depicted in Figure 2. It should be noted that due to the continuous decline of agricultural activities, irrigation and animal breeding demands are assumed to be stable over time and equal to 2.51 and 0.04 hm3 respectively. A very small quantity (7,000 m3/yr) is exported to the nearby island of Antiparos during the peak months of July and August.


Figure 2. Domestic Demand Scenarios


Formulation of availability scenarios

The climate in Paros, as in all the islands of the Cycladic complex, is temperate Mediterranean. The average temperature is 16.5 – 19.5 °C. The average annual rain height is 480 mm according to the last 50 year measurements from the meteorological stations of Naxos and Paroikia.

Highest rainfall values are observed during the winter, while during the summer season, from May to August, precipitation is very rare, not exceeding 5 mm/month.

The main variable in the formulation of availability scenarios was the sequence of years with respect to rainfall. Sequences that were developed and entered in the WSM DSS were composed of average, wet (values in the top 30 percentile of observed) and dry years (values in the bottom 30 percentile of observed).

The hydrological scenarios that were used reflected:

  • a period of 30 years with a high frequency of dry years (HD),

  • a period of 30 years with a high frequency of wet years (HW),

  • a period of 30 average water availability years, which signifies the assumption of standard water availability, reflecting the baseline scenario (Normal).

The three availability scenarios are depicted in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Water Availability Scenarios


Combinations of hydrological and demand scenarios - Results

In order to be able to assess the behaviour of the water system under a best case scenario, a worst case scenario and a business as usual scenario as intended, the combinations of availability and demand scenarios under which the different management options have been evaluated were the following:

  • A combination of high demand with a high frequency of dry years (BAU+HD), reflecting the worst case scenario of water shortage,

  • A combination of reduced demand with a high frequency of wet years (LD+HW), reflecting the best case scenario, and

  • A combination of high demand with a series of average years (BAU+Normal), in an effort to reflect the current trends of the system in a “business as usual” context.

Figure 4 presents the overall domestic deficit under the three scenarios. From the temporal and spatial variation of domestic shortages throughout the island, the following are concluded:

  • Groundwater exploitation is very high mainly due to the irrigation activities of the area, facilitating the advance of the sea intrusion front. During recent years efforts have been made to limit groundwater abstractions to sustainable levels and enhance the Naoussa aquifer through the construction of small interception dams.

  • The exploitation of the aquifer of Agairia at the southern part of the island is rather low. The hydrogeological survey of the island has concluded that, due to the impermeable geologic structures, further exploitation is possible without endangering the water balance of the area.

  • The municipal department of Paroikia and the towns of Marpissa and Piso Livadi face permanent water deficiency. This is due to the large tourist influx in those areas and the limited available groundwater resources. Aquifers supplying those areas are on the verge of overexploitation.

  • The current desalination capacity is adequate to meet both residential and tourist water needs of the town Naoussa up to 2023. However, the rest of the municipal department, mainly supplied through boreholes, faces small water shortage problems.

  • The municipal department of Arhilohos faces small, periodic water shortages, aggravated by seasonal droughts.

  • The municipal departments of Agairia and Leykes do not face deficiency for the entire simulation period.

In all cases peak shortages are observed during the month of August when both domestic and irrigation requirements reach their peak.

Figure 4. Estimated domestic deficit under the selected demand and availability scenario combinations


Step 2: Identification of Options

The potential policy options identified in the course of the WSM Project were subsequently analysed in their applicability to each region through consultation with the local stakeholders. As expected, for Paros all locals proposed different approaches to water resources management, according to their different targets and economic interests.  A detailed presentation of the opinion of stakeholders and decision makers has been presented in Newsletter 3.

For the Municipality of Paros, water management should concentrate mainly on supply enhancement through structural interventions, such as boreholes, interception dams and desalination. The fundamental target of all strategic approaches is to adequately meet the domestic and irrigation needs, without however incurring additional costs to consumers. For this purpose, large-scale infrastructure should be financed by the government. Ultimately, such a strategy would lead to the promotion of the local tourist industry while at the same time keeping the public satisfied.

Although under the control of the Municipality, the perception of the Municipal Office of Water Supply and Sewerage (the local Water Utility) is quite different. They hold the opinion that new measures should concentrate on the more efficient use of water resources, through technological adjustments, conservation campaigns and regulation of groundwater abstractions. They as well recognize the necessity for structural interventions; they would like however to promote more technical solutions, such as desalination, without abandoning the traditional practices of groundwater exploitation.

The Union of Agricultural Associations and the Union of Hotel Room Owners have similar points of view. Both consider that an expansion of desalination capacity would be an efficient solution for dealing with the water scarcity problems. They are increasingly aware of the limited available supply and recognize the benefits of technological adjustments and rationalization of water usage.

A synthesis of the current management policies, the perceptions of the local stakeholders, and of additional, imposed instruments applicable to Paros island is presented in Figure 5.

Figure 5. Summary of management options


Step 3: Analysis of the different options

Of the proposed instruments only a number can be modelled through the WSM Decision Support System. The rest, expressing the governance and capacity building mechanisms (e.g. institutional mobilization, clarity of vision), are to be examined at a later stage of the project, during the Protocol Development Stage. Examined options pertain to three major categories:

Structural options, mainly oriented towards supply enhancement, including:  

  • Network Unifications, aiming at the integration of the fragmented water networks of the island;

  • Desalination unit(s) construction, to provide additional water supplies particularly during the peak consumption periods;

  • New Boreholes, in areas where groundwater exploitation is below the sustainable level;

  • Storage Reservoirs (and interception dam) construction to provide a means of storing run-off during low consumption periods to be used later;

  • Reduction of Network Losses, through replacement of old and damaged piping in the island towns (structural intervention).

Demand management options, including:

Socio-economic measures in the form of adjusted Pricing aiming to examine to what extent a difference of pricing structures would influence demand and abstractions for domestic and irrigation water use.

The detailed analysis of the different options is presented in the pertinent paragraphs (Click on each option to view the respective analysis).


Step 4: Overall Evaluation

The final selection of instruments to be further examined during the Strategy Formulation Phase depends on the performance of the options examined regarding the indicators that were presented and analysed for each option in Step 3.

Results are summarized in Table 2. The effectiveness of each option is approached through the evaluation score obtained by the WSM DSS, from the performance with respect to domestic and irrigation demand coverage, assuming a weight of 0.5 for each indicator, and a satisfactory range of values from 80 to 100%.

Environmental sustainability is expressed through the total environmental cost for each option, associated with pollution generation and unsustainable groundwater abstractions. It should be noted that the major environmental problem faced by water management authorities in Paros lies in the overexploitation and salinisation of aquifers. Economic efficiency, the ability to produce more with less, is expressed through the total direct cost, expressed in present value terms.


Table 2. Final evaluation of instruments


Relative Performance Index for Demand Coverage)

Economic Efficiency
(Direct Cost
– PV – million €)

Environmental Sustainability
(Total environmental cost – PV in million

Reference Case




Network Unifications








GW Exploitation




Storage Reservoirs




Loss Reduction












Irrigation Improvement




Domestic Pricing




Irrigation Pricing




The normalisation of the results obtained in Table 2 under a scale ranging from 0 to 5 yields the results presented in Table 3.

From the normalised matrix presented in Table 3 it is obvious that a new strategy for Paros cannot rely on the application of a few instruments only. Desalination seems to occupy an advantageous position in terms of technical, economic and environmental sustainability. However, the very high cost associated with the option and technical limitations which do not allow for the installation of a capacity exceeding 5,000 m3/d, renders the “massive” application of the option impossible. If a strategy that is developed relies predominantly on desalination, it should also incorporate measures to improve efficiency of domestic and irrigation uses and to promote conservation of the island’s vulnerable resources.

Required installed capacity can also be decreased if the option is combined with small-scale structural interventions that can improve the use of existing resources. Those are network unifications, the storage reservoir that is proposed at Vrontas, and a reduction of network losses.

It therefore becomes apparent that in the scope of integrated water resources management, in addition to the common practice of supply enhancement-based approaches, we need to examine strategies incorporating “softer” measures. In doing so, we can maximise efficiency improvements in the water network with minimal cost, effected through demand management, public participation and awareness, and incorporate complementary supply enhancement methods to ensure adequacy of supply where necessary.

Table 3. Normalised option performance matrix


Relative Performance Index for Demand Coverage)

Economic Efficiency (Direct Cost – PV – million €)

Environmental Sustainability
(Total environmental cost – PV (million

Reference Case




Network Unifications








GW Exploitation




Storage Reservoirs




Loss Reduction












Irrigation Improvement




Domestic Pricing




Irrigation Pricing


