Stakeholder views on proposed solutions - I
The radical solutions proposed are to:
- Build one or several dams which would secure and facilitate the organization and allocation of water for domestic supply and irrigation.
- Protect the river water from wild violations.
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The optimal solution is the erection of dams all along the Damour river basin and also to protect water from pollution to avoid health and environmental problems.
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- Preserve water resources in order to maximize water availability by constructing water reservoirs, etc.
- Organize a water management office for the Damour river basin, with the following objectives:
- Allocate available water for irrigation and domestic supply
- Find the proper ways to distribute this water between the domestic and agricultural sectors and among the different villages entitled to this water.
- New laws to protect the use of water and the decisions taken by the office.
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- Cleaning of the river from the source until the town and canalize the water to avoid loss in lateral conduits;
- Use of pipe systems for the distribution of water instead of open-air canals, even for irrigation'
- Use of the ordinary distribution channels in irrigation instead of canals in order to minimize waste of water
- Construct dams (small & big).
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Ms. Mayada Abou Ajram – Landscape Architect
- Establishment of a Global Master Plan which officially establishes different zones and defines agriculture lands.
- Distribution of water to the households is placed under the direct responsibility of the Ministry of Water & Energy.
- Installation of water meters in households.
- Definition of the kind of cultivations for the coastal zone by taking into consideration the corresponding irrigation needs.
- Benefit from rain water by collecting it in large reservoirs.
- Comprehensive study on all the springs and streams that feed the Damour river basin.
- Establishment in each municipality of a water committee to control and organize the distribution of water.
- Construction of sewerage systems in all villages bordering the river.
- Waste disposal should be performed by the municipalities themselves.
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Close cooperation between municipalities to solve the water problems of the Damour river basin and also address environmental problems.
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Rima Kreidi – Landscape Architect
Propose a Master Plan aiming to benefit from the value of water. The plan will target 2 aspects, i.e. the economic aspect (Renewable energy – Agricultural irrigation – Tourism development aspects) and the ecological aspect (Eco-tourism – Ecology).
- The Economic Aspect:
- Use water for renewable energy production.
- Use domestic waste water for land and crop irrigation.
- Use water as an attractive element for tourists but by avoiding mass tourism that can harm the quality of water and nature
- Build water reservoirs and dams in order to optimize the economic value of wells and also quantity.
- Create public awareness via an advertising campaign on the vital importance of water.
- Create an association that would manage and administer the river basin, which would facilitate decision-making and minimize the administrative procedures and bureaucracy.
- The Ecological Aspect: Prepare a plan that targets the maintenance and preservation of the ecological quality of the river basin and its natural ecosystem. This can be done by creating picnic zones bound by strict control and regulations, as well as determining activity & leisure zones for villages and surroundings, create eco-tourist clubs for hiking and other ecological activities.
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In order to increase available water supply:
- Dam construction
- Creation of mountain lakes
- Regulation of water use and water allocation
- Water network rehabilitation
- Irrigation network rehabilitation
- Protect the river water from wild violations.
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