Institutional Mapping
The water sector is governed by a centralized system and is under the jurisdiction of the following governmental authorities:
the Ministry of Energy and Water (MEW),
the Ministry of Environment (MOE), and
the Ministry of Public Health (MPH).
Other parties such as the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA), the Ministry of Public Works and Transportation (MPWT), the Ministry of Interior and Municipalities (MIM), the Ministry of Displaced (MOD), the Regional Water and Wastewater Establishments, the Litani River Authority (LRA), and the Council for Development and Reconstruction (CDR) also play a role.
MEW is responsible for setting the National Master Plan for water management. Additionally, the law states the responsibility of the MEW in supervising and coordinating the activities of all institutions concerned with the water sector. However, such an activity is not implemented by the MEW, due to lack of human resources. Moreover, the coordination of activities between the different institutions does not exist, since the law does not state the cooperation and coordination mechanisms. The municipalities are responsible of implementing water projects according to the National Master Plan set by the MEW.
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Institutions & Responsibilities
Ministry of Energy & Water (MEW)
Decision 144/1925
Decision 320/1926
Law 221/2000 – art. 2 amended by Law 337/2001
Decree 14438/1970
Collects, controls, meters, establishes statistics and studies water resources, evaluates water needs and fields of its usage all over the Lebanese territory.
Controls the surface and underground water quality and identifies standards to be applied.
Establishes the General Planning Project for water resources allocation, allocation between drinking and irrigation water at the national level, as well as prepares the National Water and Wastewater General Master-plan and updates it continuously, and submits it through the Minister to the Council of Ministers for approval.
Designs, studies, implements and operates large water installations and works such as dams, artificial lakes, tunnels, water courses rectification, water networks etc.
Implements, when needed, artificial recharge of aquifers and controls groundwater extraction.
Protects water resources from losses and pollution by elaborating legislation and taking necessary measures and dispositions to prevent water pollution, and undertakes measures to restore water bodies back to their former quality.
Issues licenses and permits for water abstraction, public water usage and temporary occupation of public properties and finalizes all necessary formalities according to the laws and by-laws in force.
Implements studies and hydraulic, geological and hydrological surveys to collect technical data relative to water resource assessments, establishes technical maps concerning these studies, surveys and data, and regularly updates them.
Carries out control and tutelage over Public Establishments and other bodies operating in the water field, according to the present law dispositions, texts and stipulations relative to each establishment and institution.
Ameliorates the performance of the Water Exploitation Public Establishments (WEPEs) and evaluates their performance on the basis of indicators mentioned in the action plans, approved according to the legal procedures.
Establishes standards to be adopted in the studies conducted by Water Exploitation Public Establishments, as well as during their implementation.
Establishes conditions and regulations for extraction and use of surface water, groundwater and management of wastewater their quality standards and control.
Prepares and carries out expropriation formalities relative to the MHER and WEPEs submitted to its tutelage according to the laws and regulations in force.
Expresses expert opinion on the licensing of quarries and mines according to their impacts on water resources.
Raises public awareness on rational water use and provides to the public all necessary information concerning water issues.
Ministry of Public Health (MPH)
Decree Law 227/1942 art. 2
Decree No. 8377/1961, art. 38, 61, 84, 95
Decree-Law 108/1983
Monitors the safety of drinking water (microbiological and physicochemical-properties).
Analyzes drinking water samples.
Authorizes the usage of water resources for drinking purposes
Issues permits for mineral water bottling.
Ministry of Environment (MOE)
Law 690/2005- art. 2:
Sets urban and industrial wastewater treatment strategy, policies, plans, and studies
Implements environmental protection measures for aquifers, coastal areas, wetlands and water streams.
Monitors surface water and groundwater quality.
Law 690/2005- art. 6:
Monitors the implementation of environmental measures in the exploitation of water and for the protection of aquifers, seaside, wetlands and water streams.
Monitors the impacts of environmental pollution on climate change.
Law 444/2002- art. 36:
Draws-up of a water quality inventory for groundwater and surface water.
Draws-up a water quality inventory for supplied potable and irrigation water.
Establishes bacteriological and physico-chemical standards for groundwater and surface water quality.
Establishes bacteriological and physico-chemical standards for supplied drinking and irrigation water.
Establishes bacteriological and physico-chemical standards for recreational water. - Proposes and establishes methods of analysis for all above mentioned waters.
Establishes procedures for wastewater collection and treatment and monitor their implementation. - Sets protection measures for any potential hazards that can affect water quality and monitors their implementation.
Decision 129/1/1998:
Ministry of Agriculture (MOA)
Legislative decree No. 31/1955, art. 1
Decree 5246/1994, art. 96
Decree No. 5246/1994, art. 103
Manages water supply for irrigation
Constructs small-scale irrigation water supply projects (artificial lakes, storage tanks, etc.)
Conserves and utilizes water resources
Enhances and monitors irrigation systems and manages small and medium irrigation projects
Ministry of Public Works and Transportation (MOPWT)
Decree 1610/1971, art. 35
Authorizes sea dumping (Law 444/2002- Art 31)
Provides meteorological data through its Meteorological Department of the General Directorate for Civil Aviation
Carries out infrastructure works related to water distribution network
Ministry of Interior and Municipalities (MIM)
Decree 4082/2000
Beirut - Mount Lebanon Water and Wastewater Establishment (B&MLWWA)
Law 221/2000 – art. 4 amended by Law 337/2001
Decrees 14596/2005-14597/2005-14637/2005
Carries out surveys and assessments, operates, maintains and renews projects for potable and irrigation water distribution, as well as wastewater collection and treatment, according to the General Water and Wastewater Master-plan or according to the Ministry’s prior permit on base of the Ministry’s choice for the establishment of wastewater (WW) treatment plants or new sites for WW effluent discharge.
Proposes drinking, irrigation water and WW services tariffication systems, taking into consideration the general socio-economic conditions of the country.
Monitors the quality of distributed drinking and irrigation water, as well as the quality of wastewater and effluent of wastewater treatment plants.
Beirut Water Agency (BIWA)
Decree 3971/1951 abolished by Law 221/2000
Mandate transferred to B&MLWWA by law 221/2000:
Barouk Water Agency (BWA)
Law of july 20th, 1956 abolished by Law 221/2000
Mandate transferred to B&MLWWA by law 221/2000:
Municipalities (Damour and other) (MUNICIP)
Law 316/2001
Litani River Authority (LRA)
Law of August 16th, 1954
Council of Development and Reconstruction (CDR)
Green Plan
Decree No. 13785/1963, art. 1
Law of July, 23th, 1962
Ministry of Displaced (MOD)
Decree No. 6504/1995, art. 16
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