Institutional and Economic Instruments for Sustainable Water Management in the Meditteranean Region
Institutional and Economic Instruments for Sustainable Water Management in the Meditteranean Region
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Water management issues - Causes and Effects

Which do you think is the most significant water-related problem currently faced in your region? 


How significant do you think that aquifer depletion is your region?


Which, according to your view, is the most important cause of aquifer depletion in your region?


Which, according to your view, is the most important effect of aquifer depletion in the region?


Have you had any personal experience(s) associated with the depletion of groundwater in your everyday life?



Which, according to your view, are the underlying cause(s) of aquifer depletion? (more than one answer possible)


According to your personal view, are there administrative problems or constraints that should be overcome for effective solutions to be implemented?



Prioritizing objectives & exploring alternative options

Which, according to your view, is the primary sector where action is needed immediately for mitigating groundwater overexploitation?


Option ranking: The options are ranked according to their effectiveness in addressing the problem, using a scale from 1 to 5: 

  • Option A: Technical measures to enhance supply from alternative sources - View histogram
  • Option B: Measures to increase efficiency in water use -View histogram
  • Option C: Economic instruments to promote water conservation - View histogram
  • Option D: Restrictions in water use in drought  - View histogram
  • Option E: Landscape planning to increase water recharge - View histogram
  • Option F: Improvements in forecasting, monitoring, information and data sharing -  View histogram
  • Option G: Stricter enforcement of legislation on abstractions -  View histogram

It can be claimed that water services cannot respond to the increasing need for new infrastructure, due to financial constraints. How do you think that this issue can be addressed? (more than one answer possible)


Public participation is currently considered the key principle of developing sound and successful water management policies, because it is thought of as the only way to ensure that the interests of all users are taken into account. How do you think that public participation can be implemented in the region and in Tunisia as a whole? (more than one answer possible)