This, last, INECO Newsletter is
dedicated at presenting the work undertaken during
the last semester of the INECO Project. Additionally, it introduces the Project's final outputs, of further
exploitation and use beyond the lifetime of INECO.
Throughout its 3-year duration, INECO invested significant resources in
engaging with local actors and stakeholders beyond the research community. The
overall effort was aimed at disseminating lessons of experience from past
research and policy development, but also at identifying, through participatory
processes, potential responses to mitigate diverse water management issues in
Cyprus, Tunisia, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Algeria and Morocco.
Following from Issue 3, which outlined
the outcomes of the Case Study development process for Lebanon, Morocco and
Algeria, this Issue continues by presenting final Case Study outcomes from Cyprus,
Tunisia, Egypt and Syria. Emphasis is given at presenting the main
recommendations drawn from each Case Study, by outlining the importance and
prerequisites for the implementation of incentive-based policies adapted to the
local institutional frameworks and overall context. |
In addition to
presenting Case Study outcomes
and regional policy recommendations, this Issue
also introduces the two most important final outputs of INECO:
The INECO Guidelines on
"Institutional and Economic Instruments for sustainable water
management in countries of the Mediterranean Basin", and
The INECO Web Toolbox,
available at
The INECO Toolbox is a web-based application, aimed at integrating
information, knowledge and experiences accumulated by the
Project throughout its duration. The
objective is to provide
access to and facilitate
the widest
possible use of gathered information by decision-makers and other
interested members.
final outputs were disseminated through
individual local events, and in the INECO Conference event,
which was held in Nicosia, on Thursday, June 11th
2009. The event, which was organised in collaboration with the
Water Development Department of the Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and the
Environment of Cyprus, formed part of the Cyprus Water Week, a
series of local events aimed at raising awareness among
stakeholders and citizens on water conservation and WFD
implementation aspects in the area.