This section presents the results of the survey which formed part of the workshop organized by INECO in Annaba, Algeria, on January 19th 2008. The survey aimed at collecting views and personal experience from workshop participants on water pollution-related problems and their causes, including administrative and/or institutional deficiencies, and on possible options for problem mitigation.
The presentation of the survey results is structured in two parts:
Part I deals with the mapping the importance of water pollution-related issues, and collecting respondents' views on the possible causes.
Part II concerns possible objectives and alternative institutional and economic instruments that could be applied in order to address the issue.
In total, 42 workshop participants replied to the questionnaire, which can be downloaded from the links at the right part of this page. Results were proccessed by the Agence de Bassin Hydrographique de Constantinois-Seybouse-Mellegue, the INECO Regional Partner in Algeria. The background of respondents (age, educational background, permanent residency in the Seybouse River Basin) can be viewed by clicking the link below.
Respondents' Background