WMRI deals with research in the fields: crop water requirements, water distribution, water losses, on-farm irrigation systems, water quality. The institute owns twelve experimental research stations scattered alluvia the couture.
The stations are provided with various equipments, devices, and structures needed to achieve the objectives and goals of the institute. These research stations were selected to represent the variation in climate, soil texture, crops and agricultural and irrigation practices over the entire area of Egypt.
In addition to the above experimental stations, the institute carries out research programs on fields owned and managed by individual farmers.
The institute has six sites laboratories which are equipped in such a way as to carry out sample analyses of water, soil and crop samples. The institute also has the capability of arranging courses in various areas and for different target groups.
The Institutes activities cover the following main topics:
- Determination of water requirements for crops in different regions.
- Development of the existing irrigation networks in Egypt.
- Improvement of irrigation rotations to achieve optimum water distribution.
- Development of better irrigation methods, improvement of irrigation outlets.
- Study of evaporation and seepage losses from waterways, lakes and reservoirs.